Hadley, Sean C. (2025, Feb. 11). The Lessons of Sleepy Hollow: Musings on Classical Schools and the Teacher Shortage. CiRCE Institute.
Hadley, Sean C. (2024, Oct. 15). Forming the Moral Imagination. The Optimistic Curmudgeon Podcast. Wake Forest, NC: Thales College.
Hadley, Sean C. (2024, Aug. 5). The Word for Heritage is Canon. [Remarks prepared for the Southeastern Consortium of Classical Educators Conference]. Wake Forest, NC.
Hadley, Sean C. (2024, Jul 23). Is Higher Education Collapsing? The American Reformer (July 23, 2024).
Hadley, Sean C. (2024, May 12). Claiming the Classical Tradition. [A book review of Angel Adams Parham and Anika Prather, The Black Intellectual Tradition. Classical Academic Press, 2022]. The University Bookman.
Hadley, Sean C. (2024, Apr 16). The Seven Laws of Teaching. [A book review of John Milton Gregory, The Seven Laws of Teaching. Canon Press, 2022]. ClassicalEd Review.
Hadley, Sean C. (2024, Feb 6). Research & Writing Series. [A book review of Elizabeth Jettson, Josh Herring, and Winston Brady, Research and Writing, Volume I: Starting to Write and Volume II: Writing with Purpose. Thales Press, 2023]. ClassicalEd Review.
Cheng, Albert. (2023, Aug 7). Data Driven Education. Quiddity. CiRCE Institute.
Hadley, Sean C. (2023, Mar 7). How to Read Slowly. [A book review of James W. Sire, How to Read Slowly: Reading for Comprehension, 2nd ed. Harold Shaw Publishers, 1989]. Classical Ed Review.
Hadley, Sean C. (2023, Feb 7). The Metalogicon. [A book review of John of Salisbury, The Metalogicon, trans. Daniel D. McGarry. Paul Dry Books, 2009]. Classical Ed Review.
Cheng, Albert. (2022, Aug 12). Educating for Piety. [Remarks prepared for Anthem Classical Academy Curriculum Night]. Fayetteville, AR.
Cheng, Albert. (2022, Feb 16). Parents’ Demand for Classical and Character Education and Why they Are Right to Want it. [Testimony to Arkansas Senate Education Committee]. Little Rock, AR.
Cheng, Albert. (2021). On the Moral Architecture of Socioemotional Skills. In B. Orrell (Ed.) Minding our Workforce: The Role of Noncognitive Skills in Career Success. Washington, DC: The American Enterprise Institute.
Cheng, Albert. (2021, Aug 31). From Becoming Skilled to Becoming Excellent. [Remarks prepared for Anthem Classical Academy Curriculum Night]. Fayetteville, AR.
Cheng, Albert. (2021). Dr. Albert Cheng discusses the role schools can play in kids’ character development. EdYouCate Podcast. Albany, GA: Center for Educational Opportunity, Albany State University.
Cheng, Albert, & Greene, Jay P. (2020). The Civic Education We Need. National Affairs, 50, 137-147.